Friday, 8 January 2016

Star Wars character generation.

The plan is to start playing Star Wars: Edge of the Empire next week (although I have another GeekFest meeting, meaning we may not have a whole bunch of time). If you want to think about characters, here is a link to a handy character generator spreadsheet. We will need to check over characters you create and make sure everything is going to work, but the spreadsheet will give you some idea of what is possible.

Co-incidentally, the holiday program session next thursday is 'Introduction to Sci Fi Roleplaying' and will be about Star Wars: Edge of the Empire.

Please note that as I only have the core rulebook for Edge of the Empire, we have only eight races and six careers to choose from, although the spreadsheet has an enormous number to choose from. The core species and careers are all at the top of their respective lists.
Available species are:

  • Bothan
  • Droid
  • Gand
  • Human
  • Rodia
  • Trandoshan
  • Twi'lek
  • Wookie
Available careers are:
  • Bounty Hunter
  • Colonist
  • Explorer
  • Hired Gun
  • Smuggler
  • Technician
Each career has three 'specialisations', (for instance, if you want to be a pilot, that's a specialisation of Smuggler, Mercenary is a Hired Gun speciality etc.) all of these are listed in the spreadsheet, and all of them are available.

Sunday, 3 January 2016

New RPG session starts this week - Star Wars: Edge of the Empire

With the release of Episode VII (and more importantly, the CGI series Star Wars: Rebels!) the time is ripe for Edge of the Empire! This Thursday I plan to launch a new RPG session, playing mercenaries, bounty hunters, smugglers and other denizens of the outer rim. Some of you may be familiar with the SW:EotE rules - some time ago we played the beginner game. It's a very simple system to grasp, and rewards story telling and imaginative play.

I am looking for FOUR players. If you are interested, either post a comment below or email me.
We will carry out character generation and play the opening chapter of the campaign on Thursday Jan 7th.