Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Club not running, April 3rd.

It's Parent Teacher night/We know he's not to bright...
What? You have a different song in your head on parent teacher night?

Due to an inconvenient clash with Leongatha Secondary's parent/teacher interview night, Gippsland Gamers will not run on April 3rd.

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Painting session Thursday 20th

Example painted figures from Eureka Miniatures website. Ours will not look quite like this. Or even much like this really.

In preperation for the Easter Holiday Program we will spend part of this Thursday's session painting the Terrible Toads of the Swamps or Surpassing Stench and some of the Ninja Commando Easter Bunnies. All paints, burshes etc. will be provided, and since the figures were purchased with club funds, all paintists will be able to lay claim to some of them for later use! Huzzah!
I have developed quick and easy painting techniques for both types of figure, so no experience with the brush will be needed to take part.

Monday, 10 March 2014

A discovery of great importance...

I was chatting with a mate on Saturday about his plans for a Zombie skirmish game, and suggested he check out 7ombieTV, the zombie spin off of Crooked Dice's 7TV game which I'd seen so much about in Wargames Soldiers and Strategy magazine. Curiosity got the better of me, and I had a look at the website, only to dicover...


Yes! A free rule set which covers the whole 'classic' Dr. Who era! What's more, they make figures to go with it, and there's even a 2 pound introductory starter set which includes paper figures for a complete scenario! What's more, 7TV, which developed from the DWMG rule set includes such magnificence as Blake's 7 - Terry Nation's attempt to make Star Wars AND Star Trek simultaneously on the budget of Dr. Who!

Knowing how filled with Whovians the GG membership is, I'm sure we'll be playing this some time soon.

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Easter school holiday program EXPANDED!

Through heavy bribes (ie: Ginger Beer and Chocolate), that cunning woman who runs Coal Creek has secured an additional Easter holiday session on Sunday 20th, timed to co-incide with the Coal Creek Easter Hunt. From 10am, we'll be running participation games of Easter Wars using pre-painted figures.  So you don't get to keep the figures, but you do get to beat up some of those Terrible Toads in the Swamps of Surpassing Stench and win the eternal gratitude of the oppressed teddy bear peasants.

And while we're at it, massive and heart felt thanks go to Nic Robson of Eureka Minaitures for the generous discount on the Pond Wars range and free replacement copy of the Fanticide Rulebook which are making this session possible. Go and worship his bald magnificence at the Eureka website. And while you're there, why not buy a set of clockwork war trousers, or an enourmous French dog?

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Easter school holiday program announced!

Do your Easter holidays drag on forever? Are you lost in a see of endless time and ennui? Do you long for some geekery to break the monotony of existence and eggs? Well, your luck is in! Gippsland Gamers in association with Coal Creek Village and the South Gippsland Shire Council is proud to announce the Easter Holiday Program!

There will be two magnificent events running - a gritty modern reboot of our popular Pirate's Treassure session from summer involving monoplanes and chocolate dubloons, and Easter Wars involving crack teams of Ninja Commando bunnies trying to break through the defences of the Terribel Toads and deliver Easter eggs to the oppressed peasants. Both sessions will cost you a paltry $10, and you will walk away with shiny stuff, even if you don't win! If you do win, you get MORE shiny stuff! Huzzah!

For full details, see the newly updated Special Events page.
As always, bookings are essential via Coal Creek or 03 5655 1811.