Thursday, 28 July 2016

Pathfinder: COMMENCE!

Star Wars: The Edge of the Empire is winding down.
The campaign has been great fun, but relying on having everyone available has meant that we often can't play. We have also been restricted in the number of players who can take part, meaning that not everyone gets to take part.
This is all about to change.
When EotE finishes, we will start playing Pathfinder.
Pathfinder is a fantasy RPG which evolved out of Dungeons and Dragons. It is robust, well supported, and fairly easy to learn. We'll be playing short adventures which will take up a single session, and we'll be playing as mercenary adventurers, so it doesn't matter if someone can't make it to the session - they're off on a mission somewhere else. We'll also be using published modules, which will cut back on the preparation time and DM fatigue.

Here are a few house rules:
  1. We are using only characters, races, spells etc. from the core rule book (Classes are: Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Wizard. Races are: Human, Halfling, Half-Orc, Half-Elf, Elf, Gnome, Dwarf.)
  2. No one can play a chaotic neutral character.
  3. Character stats will be generated by the 'Roll 3D6 six times and assign the results to stats' method.
  4. You can use a spreadsheet or online generator to create a character, but you must have a hard copy character sheet at the table.
  5. No laptops at the gaming table (unless you are the DM)
  6. Please familiarise yourself with the rules and spells specific to your character. If you have spells, it's a good idea to make a spell book which you can refer to for the rules for the spells you can use.
You will be able to find the Pathfinder Rules online here. They are not in the same format as the book, but it's all there and it's easily navigated. If you are having trouble with creating a character, we will have time to work on them at club.

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