Thursday, 25 June 2015

A Song of Blades and Heroes: Army pricer

Hmmm... 15 points each for goblins, plus 45 for the leader...
You'd think a powerful mage like me would come up with
a way to make it easier to do an army list...
I have just put together a spreadsheet which can be used to price SBH armies made from models in my collection. We will be using this to help us build our Song of Deeds and Glory warbands, and it is also very handy for working out stand alone army lists. Currently it lists models which I have, and which have official SBH rules printed in the core book or one of the supplements. I have actually got some models which could work for various other things, but for the sake of keeping things simple, I've just included the best match. Also, where there are choices of training level (like elite archers vs. normal archers) I have just listed the price for the basic version of the unit.
You can find the spreadsheet on Google Drive.

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